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Rooting for You. In Praise of Lights

And my darling, I'll be rooting for you. Hannah Reid (London Grammar) singing a cappella in the foreground of the videoclip (Rooting for You) that I have visualized several times in a row, with her face and hands as the only elements that illuminate the room, I'll be rooting for you.

Only her voice and her in the background until a window enters the scene, when she asks Where did she go? The truth left us long ago ..., and illuminates the space in which a string orchestra will accompany Hannah Reid in that chant that, in my opinion, has very little of London or Grammar. Rather, it takes me to a small concert room of the 80's in a far away town where someone is singing a traditional Gaelic song, in winter, of course. It also reminds me of Björk, specially when her voice ascends And I guess, I guess It is only you are the only thing I've ever truly known, and the camera raises its arms to hold it on its descent.

The song slowly fades the light out, passing through a small lamp located on the grand piano that disappears behind its soundboard, until returning to that window, her face and her voice. Perfect combination of lyrics, melody, faces and strings that vibrate under the helium lights located on the ceiling, the only lighting of this video recorded in one shot.

This video was created by Bison, that also worked with London Grammar on Wasting My Young Years, whose details are well explained at Directnotes web:

Bison has carried out impressive projects such as the content of the projections of Coldplay's 360º Ghost Stories Tour, among others. Here the link to their website:


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